About Us

Our Story

In 1961, a South Australian pharmacist, Mr Alan A Russell OBE, met a distressed hairdresser. She told him a customer had slipped in her shop and was suing her and that she had no public liability insurance.   

It was then, Mr Russell begun imagining pharmacists being placed in the same position and recognised the opportunity to provide a vital service. He put the idea to the National Council of the Federated Pharmaceutical Services Guild of Australia (now The Pharmacy Guild of Australia). The Council agreed in principle that they should establish an Australia-wide insurance facility that would provide specialised insurance cover against all the risks of running a pharmacy.

It was in 1963, Guild Insurance Limited was established, with Alan Russell as its first Chairman of Directors, and the Guild's Secretary, Mr Tom Evans as Company Secretary. Guild Group has been providing general insurance services to pharmacists since its inception in 1963. Since then, we have expanded our expertise to meet the insurance, superannuation and legal needs of a wide range of professional groups.




PGA established national insurance facility


Guild Insurance Established

Guild Insurance provides business insurance, professional indemnity, home & contents and car insurance.


GuildSuper Established

Guild Trustee Services provides quality super solutions for the allied health and childcare industries. Our super funds include GuildSuper, Child Care Super, and GuildPension.


Meridian Lawyers Established

Meridian Lawyers is a boutique law firm providing legal advice in insurance law, health law, corporate and commercial law, employment law, commercial litigation and dispute resolution. Throughout the growth and change over the past 50 years, our customers have continued to be central to everything we do.


Acerta established

Acerta is the intermediary division of Guild Insurance. They are responsible for developing commercial insurance products with our Broker partners that are then distributed through their networks.


Gold Cross joins the Group

Provide members with endorsed products and services including Confectionery (Glucojel), Publications (ITK), Endorsements (Products and Services), and the Gold Cross Brand


Guild Solutions, Inc. established

Guild Solutions Inc. provides bespoke outsourcing services across a range of business functions including insurance underwriting and claims management, process design, technical customer support, business analytics and reporting, IT development and shared services functions such as HR and Finance.


GuildSuper becomes part of Future Group

GuildSuper joins the Future group stable of funds, and Guild Group Holdings enters into a strategic partnership with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Future Group to ensure the continued delivery of a unique super offer to pharmacy, healthcare and community services sectors.

Steven Efthimiadis

Steven Efthimiadis

Associate Software Developer
Hobbies & interests

Modifying cars. Playing video/board games. My dogs

Shared Services
Read Steven's story